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How Ghosts Travel ebook

How Ghosts Travel ebook

Regular price ₱250.00 PHP
Regular price Sale price ₱250.00 PHP
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Many months ago (it seems like a lifetime ago, truly), I stumbled onto a Facebook post of Charlene. C & I have so many mutual friends, and although we haven't really physically hung out, I have always been attracted to her energy. But anyway, she wrote a weekly series of short stories, a practice she intended to do as a new mom struggling to get back to her creative rhythms (something I understand so well, as I struggled this way after giving birth too). 

I immediately fell in love with this story, How Ghosts Travel. I messaged her right after I read it, and asked if it was ok if I drew for the story and she agreed. I did a couple of initial paintings for it but then never got back to it because of well, life that was. Work and the other bits of life. Life has changed quite a bit since then, as you probably know too. This enhanced community quarantine has taken me back to things I started and never got around to finishing. I started trying to learn the other things I've been meaning to learn. 

So I got back to this story, and how much I wanted the visuals that took place in my mind's eye manifested. I just needed it out here. On paper someday, perhaps. But for now, in a digital space. There wasn't much reason behind me drawing all these other than: I needed it to be out here, with us. But now a bigger reason appeared: maybe these drawings can help in its little way, somehow.

Charlene and I agreed to sell this e-book we made in exchange for your charity.

100% of your donations will be given to the Emergency Quarantine Facility (EQ Facility). Donations start at Php250, but we will also be very happy to accept more for the project! 

I promise to provide transparency too: how the funds are coming along, whether it has been coursed through the charities. Most of the updates will be coursed in real time over at my instagram account (@curiouswiji), and at this site as well.

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